Saturday, July 07, 2007

Long Run Successful

So I started out for my 12 mile run thinking that I'd just extend the last 10 miler from my house. There happened to be very little the same other than the starting point, running through Frick Park and the cemetary (but different trails/paths). I didn't make it out of the house til almost 9 so it definitely was killer hot (I have a nice watch tan to show off). I inadvertantly passed by a waterfountain every half hour. I couldn't have planned it better if I tried. Unfortunately, to avoid going up the double hill of Wightman from Wilkins, I took Beeler until it came out at the CMU track (sucky! I then realized that I would be forced to run up that hideous section of Forbes). Another point of interest. They have resurfaced the CMU track - I believe that it is going to be black now unless they are putting another layer on (it looked to be back at normal level). We'll see if they have lines on it and we can use it by Tuesday or else we have to find a new place to run this week. Overall, a good run. I should have brought a gel pack for mid run as my joints were very tired for the last couple miles. Excited for everyone to stop being on vacation so we can do some joint runs again.

1 comment:

Megan Troxell said...

Next week is only 10 miles - I'll be in town!