Sunday, September 16, 2007

Let the Taper Begin!

Megan and I met at the trailhead at 6am this morning. It was pitch black and easily the COLDEST run we've had in a long time. It took until mile 4 for it to become light enough to know for sure that I could see my breath in the chilly 40 degree weather. The trail was slow this morning, probably due to very cold joints. Not a lot was seen in the first ten miles but on the way back we saw three deer right on the trail and a whole gang of TIT members. We are both a little stiff but pleased with the finish at just over three hours. I can't believe all the hard runs are over!!

In honor of our first long run without Amber - Megan ran in capris & Lisa blew more snot rockets than you can imagine!

Also, we booked our flights today (finally!) so we now are officially going to Chicago. We arrive in Chi-town close to noon on Friday and are flying out around 8pm Sunday night. ADJ - make sure that you get a booklet in the mail about the marathon. You need it to pickup your packet!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Hey you-
Awesome job on the run! Mail information from the marathon? As in the confirmation number stuff? I have mine printed out, but I wonder if you're referring to something else. We'll chat. I'm so proud of the snot rockets and capris! I think Ryan more than enjoyed my numerous snot rockets on Saturday, as well. Yay to having the 20 miler behind us!