Monday, October 18, 2010

My Workout Routine at 39 Weeks and 4 Days Pregnant

Alright - 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant (but who's counting?) and my workout routine is consisting of hiking up our hill because they're doing construction on our road and we can't park in front of our house. Given the last minute things we've been acquiring for the baby - infant tub, clothes, curtains (ok, those weren't actually for baby, but all part of a to-do list to get done before the baby), groceries (stocking up) - I think that lugging purchases up the hill sufficiently qualifies as a good late pregnancy workout.

Go me!

[I am looking forward to returning to the body I had been used to before pregnancy. Being able to bend over, squat and not fall over, get out of chairs, etc. will be nice.]

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