Thursday, March 04, 2010

Week 9 - Not the Weather in Milan

This morning (finally getting around to posting this nearly a week later) I woke up to do a speed workout and, as usual, checked my Weather Channel app to see what would greet me when I opened the door. (This app has occasionally allowed me to ditch a run before even climbing out of bed. Probably not good, but, hey...) I hadn't necessarily looked at the weather forecast, but heard rumors of 50 degree weather over the weekend (I've since checked; that rumor is false). I was surprised that the temperature was 45 degrees, feels like 41, but thought, "Awesome! Should I wear shorts?" I decided to still dress conservatively and wore my thinnest pair of leggings, my Crazy Daisies long-sleeved shirt so I could use the hand warmers rather than wear gloves, a light jacket and a hat.

I should have known as soon as I walked out the door that it was not 45 degrees. A) It did not feel warm at all. If you haven't seen the thermometer north of 40 in as long as you can remember, 45 degrees should feel like summer to you. It did not. B) The cars were frosty. Gee - how can the cars be frosty if it is 45 degrees out? I headed down the hill to drop off an envelope at the church and then as I was heading into Emsworth, it dawned on me that the last time I checked the weather app was when I was checking the weather in Milan, Italy, where Nathan is traveling this week!

Oh well. I survived. Actual temperature in Pittsburgh on 3/4 at 5:30 am - 22 degrees.

Long run with Lisa was super fun (I did 15, she did 17) - Lisa mapped out a course that was pretty much exclusive marathon course. The uphill on Forbes wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. I don't think I have actually ever run that stretch before. I've run down on the parallel Fifth, but never up on Forbes. It was a chilly start to the morning, but the sun was out by the end and what a gorgeous day it was on Saturday. We did our good deed for the day by dragging a huge branch out of an intersection on the Northside and my run finished with a recovery brunch of a Mancini's pepperoni roll - um, yum!

Highlight of the week - A really successful 15 miles - felt like the good ole days

Difficult part of the week - figuring out what to eat on long runs; I've about had it with Gu (or the like); I tried eating some rice cakes on the run, which were okay, but I don't know how much they really helped en route

1 comment:

Lisa said...

love that you mentioned our good deed - of course, I had already forgotten about it!