Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Call Me CRAZY!

Yes, please call me very crazy. Two days after a disastrous run and trip to the ER, I am still strongly considering doing the Columbus Marathon. It might be the masochistic attitude of all runners or the hope for redemption for a reasonable marathon time. Hal Higdon has a very easy two-week program that I am going to stick with - and if I only do the half marathon (which I have gotten approval for at least that) I will have maintained my level of fitness.

Wed - 2 miles
Thurs - 3 miles
Sat - 6 miles
Sun - 1-2 hours of running/cross training/ resting - whatever the body needs most
Tue - 4 miles
Wed - 2 miles
Sat - 2 miles


Megan Troxell said...

I have also gotten approval, though a slightly hesitant approval and certainly ridicule and an "I told you so," if I happen to have arthritis in my knees by the time I'm 50 (which I don't think will happen). I hadn't even considered the half marathon, but maybe that's not a bad option. Doesn't look like super elite runners typically run Columbus (someone from OH won last year at 2:18, I think), so we should be finished in time w/ the half to actually catch the finishers for the marathon. At any rate, the workouts necessary to keep up the fitness level are not that difficult, so why not?

turbotoast said...

CRAZY. Both of you.

I support whatever decision you (Megan) make, and I'm sure Geoff would say the same for you (Lisa). That said, don't get mad at us when we're 56 playing racquetball and golf and jumping on trampolines while you're both stuck in a wheelchair with knees the size of basketballs.

(Do arthritic knees swell? Sounds good to me, anyway.)