Thursday, February 22, 2007

Small Success...

So - after MANY weeks of not running I got pretty sick of the switch back and forth between the eliptical and spinning and decided to go for a run. How could I not? The warm air was calling my name yesterday so I braved the slushy track by my house and knocked out 3 miles. Not fast, but hey, I've got an extra 12 or so pounds strapped around the middle. Boy did that feel good!
Plus, I'm sick of listening to all the people who say you can't do anything tooo vigorous when you're pregnant. PSHAW.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

[Snowy/Icy] Hill Training

Alright - my running the past week has purely been comprised of running (normally in full work garb, though I change into hiking boots) between my house and wherever my car might happen to be parked. I've been experimenting with some different routes. One up on St. Leo, just a short run to Gregory, or the long haul out to 18th!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Geriatric Gym

I am not going to stop until I come back home....

So I got to the gym this morning at six, right as it opened. It is relatively nice for a hotel gym - as in the equipment is actually NOT broken. Within ten minutes, all six machines were being used and there was a line. The best part was that everyone else was at least 50 years older than me! It was funny. So I did some biking and then left to let the old folks have a seat...
Miss you guys!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Fabulous Find (Yes, I am a Nerd)

So I went for my six mile jog this morning in the constant but relatively light rain while it was just 55 degrees. ( I know that I am not getting ANY sympathy from you guys.) I had misestimated how long my loop was and instead of five miles I ended up with six and a half! And of course I had to use the facilities so I tried to go into another section of the resort to no avail. And last night at dinner we had a long conversation about alligators and how they are everywhere and jump out of the canals and lakes. So there was no way I was going to find a secluded bush....BUT I did find a middle school that had a lovely rubberized track for the speed work on thursday. It was kinda dark but there were several other runners so I'm totally down!

Frost Bite

Well, so I decided to go for a run this morning, even though it was -2. But I figured that Lisa and I did it a few years ago, I have a balaklava, it's for extreme temperatures! So, I whipped it all out, put on my running tights, layered on my shirts and a jacket, put on my coat and mittens, and even a hat on top of the balaklava. AND goggles (like cool looking ski ones). So, I was bundled. I hustled out there and started moving. Then I remembered why we hated he balaklavas, you feel like you're going to die because you can't breathe out of your mouth and whenever you do it's a constant freeze/burning feeling with each inhalation and exhalation. I was out for about 30 minutes. When I came back in, I stretched did my usual crunches/pushups then jumped in the shower. I noticed that my legs were kind of tingly, but figured it was a-ok. I got out of the shower and my legs were all itchy. I started scratching to realize that there were huge rashes all over my calves and thighs. Very gross and puffy red. I put on some lotion and they just kept itching, which I refrained from scratching. I don't know if it was heat/cold rash or frost bite (probably not), but it was horrible. It is gone now, but still. I thought I would share with you my running horrors. I miss running with you all!! Take care.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Rainy Run

Wow. Look at the alliteration....Two blogs in a row...
So this morning, I drove to Ft. Lauderdale Beach for my now annual Sunday morning run. It was cloudy and raining but 65 degrees. After dashing a half mile down the beach to the bathhouse for a pit stop, I was warm enough to actually enjoy the rest of the 8 mile run. Aside from the strong wind gusts and the lack of being able to lay in the sun afterwards, the run was nice (slow but nice) and gave me hope that I could actually run long distances again...Since I had extra time in the day, I went to the pool/jacuzzi. It was incredible. No one was there due to the rain and it was really warm. I swear the pool was at least 90 degrees, if not 95. (The Y's pool is about 84 as a frame of reference). The length of the pool was probably about 40 meters so I did at least a quarter mile if not a half. To top off my overly productive day I spent the next two hours getting my facial and massage. I think we all need to pamper ourselves more often. Miss you guys!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Muggy Morning

So I did my 4 miles a couple days ago...and I guess based on my extreme out of shape-ness my HM goal time should be about 2 hours. So I get up at five this morning to do my 800s and it is already 72 degrees. Once I leave the building, I get slammed by a wall of humidity...yuck...yesterday was perfect and it wasn't a running day (65 degrees at wake up time). So my 800 splits: 3:51, 3:52, 3:58, 3:55....The last two everyone decided to leave for work so I was totally dodging cars. I felt like a slug even with being somewhat consistent. I can't wait to be in shape again...and more excitingly - have people to run with.